Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How to make Salmon Gravlax Blackwater Lodge Stlyle

In my last post, you saw the 11 1/4 lb salmon that I had caught, being filleted by Ian Powell of the Blackwater Lodge. We kept two tail sections from the salmon fillets to prepare Gravlax and in the video below you can see how this is how it is done

My first salmon of the 2015 Season

I am back on the Cork Blackwater River at Ballyduff and have caught my first salmon of the 2015 season, a 11 1/4 lb fresh run May fish. I caught it on Lower Kilmurry Beat of the Blackwater Lodge on a flying C black and silver size 4 spinner. Currently it is the largest salmon of the season caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats. The river is in perfect condition and height with a slight colour and excellent clarity. The grilse have started to run up river with a few being caught mainly on the upstream beats of Carrig and Ballygarret
I have also added a link to a video of Ian Powell of the Blackwater Lodge showing how to properly fillet and prepare a salmon.