Saturday, 31 August 2013

Shrimping for Beginners

I have never fished the shrimp or the prawn before and managed to get lessons from Connor Arnold, Franco and Pat. You can fish the prawn either by "spinning" it: by using a weight and letting it drift along with the current near, but not on the bottom or under a float.

It is vital that you keep contact with the bait as the salmon take it quick and unless you strike, the fish is lost.

I tend to get too much slack in my line and so the strike is a mess!

You will need a prawn pin, treble hook and split shot to fish the prawn. You will also need a pike float if you wish to float the shrimp down the run.The prawns are dyed either purple or red.

This is a deadly method in low water.

Many consider it unsporting, especially the fly purists. I am undecided, but concerned at the impact of its effectiveness in prolonged low water conditions.

I have attached some videos of my mentors teaching me to fish the prawn on the Carrig Beat of the
Blackwater River.

This is the basic rig:-

Float stoppers to vary depth below float to bait
Lead shot weights
Swivels to avoid kinks and twists in the line
short leader with running shrimp securing pin:;
Either treble or single hook
Dyed preserved shrimps

See photo below:

Shrimp Pin, Treble Hook and Preserved Dyed Shrimps

This is how you fish it!

I will update the Shrimping after I have had a few more go's and a few more lessons from the "experts"!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Visit to Waterford Crystal Factory

Well, the water is very low in the Blackwater River and not so good for the fly. So. time for some sightseeing.

I went to Waterford City, which is a historic city on the river Suir, which is a famous salmon and trout river. It is reputedly Ireland's oldest City having been established by the Vikings in 873 (nearby and then chased out) then again in 914.

There is an old section of the city called the "Viking Triangle" which contains many old stone buildings.

I took the factory tour. Have a look at the video below

Some photos of the craftsmen at work. Pieces such as the US Ooen and Irish Derby trophies are made here.

Wooden Molds Used to Form the Basic Piece

Glass Blowing Area

The 5 stages of manufacture - Rough Cast, Clean up, engraving (2) and polishing

First Stage after Blowing - Clean Up and Rough Cuts

Engraving the Pattern

Computer Generated Cutting ad ngraving

The Drawing and Cutting Instructions

The Old mixed with the New in the Waterford Crystal Factory

Monday, 12 August 2013

August Fishing

It has been a case of feast and famine. I have only caught one 3 lb grilse on the fly as I have not wished to fish the prawn or shrimp.

3lb grilse caught on the fly at Killavullen Beat - 8 August 2013
Note the net marks typical of the grilse this year. The nets are still on the Blackwater and we suspect are taking a heavy toll on the fish and fishing.

The grilse ran hard during a brief but intense flood in early August and this was followed by a storm around Mallow. These caused a long period of high and dirty water. The spinners caught a few as did the prawners. Three days of around 20 fish per day were caught with about half being caught on the prawn. The fish have been travelling upstream but not showing in any great numbers. The fishing has dropped off in the last few days.

There has been an increase in the poachers on the river with two netters seen at Bridgetown Priory - a favourite illegal fishing spot.

My casting in improving as seen in the video below.

I am off to Bridgetown Priory today.