Saturday, 31 August 2013

Shrimping for Beginners

I have never fished the shrimp or the prawn before and managed to get lessons from Connor Arnold, Franco and Pat. You can fish the prawn either by "spinning" it: by using a weight and letting it drift along with the current near, but not on the bottom or under a float.

It is vital that you keep contact with the bait as the salmon take it quick and unless you strike, the fish is lost.

I tend to get too much slack in my line and so the strike is a mess!

You will need a prawn pin, treble hook and split shot to fish the prawn. You will also need a pike float if you wish to float the shrimp down the run.The prawns are dyed either purple or red.

This is a deadly method in low water.

Many consider it unsporting, especially the fly purists. I am undecided, but concerned at the impact of its effectiveness in prolonged low water conditions.

I have attached some videos of my mentors teaching me to fish the prawn on the Carrig Beat of the
Blackwater River.

This is the basic rig:-

Float stoppers to vary depth below float to bait
Lead shot weights
Swivels to avoid kinks and twists in the line
short leader with running shrimp securing pin:;
Either treble or single hook
Dyed preserved shrimps

See photo below:

Shrimp Pin, Treble Hook and Preserved Dyed Shrimps

This is how you fish it!

I will update the Shrimping after I have had a few more go's and a few more lessons from the "experts"!

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