Friday, 17 May 2013

Thursday, 16th May 2013 - Fished for a few hours as showers increased and the water dirtied up and rose. The water level and clarity was just about perfect when the showers came and obviously been heavy upstream earlier given the increased colour and sediment induced turbidity. No luck.

Salmon fishing appears to be very water level and clarity dependent.

Casting Platform and Island on Upper Kilmurray Beat, River Blackwater

Hut Pool and Island on Upper Kilmurray Beat, River Blackwater

Upstream end of Island and Lower "Inches"  on Upper Kilmurray Beat, River Blackwater. 

"Inches"  on Upper Kilmurray Beat, River Blackwater. This beat is just downstream of the famous Careysville beats.

Had a quick look at Woodstream and witnessed a grey dun hatch with trout rising

 Upper Woodstream Beat looking downstream

Upper Woodstream Beat looking Upstream

The long walk home through farmer Tom's field

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