Thursday, 16 May 2013

Last week, I traveled to Kerry and stayed at Glencar House in Glencar. Liam, Eilis and Lizzie (their Westie) made me very welcome, as always.

I went down to Waterville overnight to fish Lough Currane with fellow River Blackwater  fisherman, Paul Amos, who was over for a fortnight from the UK. Paul took me out in a brutal westerly wind, fresh off the Atlantic Ocean. We caught a couple of brown trout, but the conditions were too rough to seriously bother any salmon. Paul did a great job as my "Ghillie" and handled the lake boat like he was born to it! You really have to watch out for submerged rocks around the Lough as they appear and disappear with the Lough water level.

Paul Amos playing the role of Ghillie on Lough Currane, Waterville, Co. Kerry

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