Sunday, 14 July 2013

2.6lb Grilse on a Trout Fly at Lower Killmurry

The day reached 32 degrees C and I waited until 9pm until I ventured out. I tried a size 14 Blue Charm salmon fly but no takers. A largish salmon showed, I covered as best I could, but no take.

I changed to my 10 ft 8 wt Hardy Zenith with an 8 wt sharkskin floating Rio line with a sinking tip leader and a team of three flies with a gold head bead nymph on point - the usually best trout fly.

A strong take, I thought it was a sea trout and saw a salmon grilse leap. I thought that my white trout had shook up a salmon.

After a 10 minute fight which took me to the backing twice, I got my grilse to the net. It had taken a size 14 red brown wet.

2.6lb Grilse taken on a trout fly at 10:15pm at Lower Killmurry Beat on the River BLackwater, Co. Cork
The Fly that caught the Grilse - Size 14 Grouse and Claret Wet Trout Fly
The fight is on head cam video. The quality is not great due to the declining light at 10:15pm.

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