Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Salmon fishing has no mercy for the fisherman

I have lost 7 out of 8 salmon hooked. The last three on the fly. It looks as if the grilse run has finally begun. I hooked, fought and lost the grilse on Upper Kilmurray Beat

The grilse of about 3 or 4 lbs fought like a fresh fish. I caught it on a size 14 curry's red fished with a size 12 cascade shrimp pattern on the dropper. The grilse took the fly on the retrieve. We had a bit of rain today and it slightly coloured the water perhaps inducing the grisle to run up river.

When the water level drops and the water clears, it is time for smaller flies.

I also hooked myself again!

Size 12 Cascade Shrimp firmly embedded in my finger!

It was skillfully removed by Ian Powell at the Blackwater Lodge with Bushmills Whiskey used as a mild general anesthetic.

A day of surprises!

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