Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Tough Fishing in Irish Heatwave!

I fish at the crack of dawn (5:30am) or after 8:00pm until about 11:30pm at night to avoid the heat of the day. No rain and bright hot days has meant few salmon caught as they don't run so freely upstream in low water and tend to be put down and sulk in bright weather.

I have enjoyed a few evenings trout fishing and tonight caught a 2lb sea trout. See photo below of sea trout and brown trout. Sea trout are brown trout that have gone to live in the sea and have come back up river to spawn. The sea trout still tasted of the salt water on its skin indicating that it was not long in the river. The sea trout fought well and it took me about 20 minutes to bring it to the net.
2lb sea trout and smaller brown trout both caught on the fly
The last week has been bright and 25-30 degrees Celsius each day. The lack of rain has meant that the salmon have not run so freely up river. We are awaiting some rain, cooler weather and the summer grisle run.

Misty mornings at Ballyduff

Early Morning fishing on Lower Kilmurry Beat - River Blackwater (Listen to the "Dawn Chorus" of wildlife)

Late Evening on Lower Kilmurry Beat - 
River Blackwater

This is where I caught the sea and brown trout this evening

Now for those of you that are new to fly and lure  fishing a few photos to explain things.

These are flying C spinning lures
Dry Trout flies - Mayflies on right

Wet trout flies

A selection of salmon flies

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